Yella Terra Rocker Cap Screw bolts
SET of 16 - 7/16 Capscrews - 2.250" Long
- 2.250" Measured Under Head Length
Yella Terra Cap Screws are high strength fasteners with an Internal Hex or Allen drive style and cylindrical barrel shaped head specific for Yella Terra Rockers.
Key Features of Yella Terra Capscrews:
- High Tensile Strength
- Great Fatigue Strength
- Precision forged with a symmetrical grain flow
- Have a Fully formed radiused thread.
- Produced with Controlled heat treatment allowing maximum strength without brittleness and decarburization
Fitting Notes:
- Torque specs: 7/16 capscrew 50-55ft lbs with underside of capscrew head oiled.
YELLA TERRA CAPSCREW 2.25 X 7/16 YT6098 (16)