Highlights in this issue include a dossier on the Mummert PST Suzuki GS1100E I4 Nitrous engine and a conversation with Williams Advanced Engineerings chief motorsport engineer, Doug Campling. We have insights into KTMs RC16 MotoGP development and we look at tuning the JFR Funny Car engine with crew chief Jimmy Prock. We look into the challenge of R5 rallying with Skodas Fabia R5 and R5 Evo. We have the latest instalment of our e-Race Power Expo and our focus articles cover con rods and valve springs.
- Intro: THE EDITOR - Hang on to your hats – this issue is all about celebrating unadulterated straight-line speed
- Grid: IN THE NEWS - Kenny Duttweiler’s pursuit of the land speed record for pistonpowered, wheel-driven cars, additive manufacturing of pistons for Formula One takes a step forward, and more…
- In Conversation: DOUG CAMPLING - Williams Advanced Engineering’s chief motorsport engineer gives Stewart Mitchell an insight into the design of the battery for the upcoming Extreme E series
- Dossier: MUMMERT PST SUZUKI GS1100E I4 NITROUS - Ian Bamsey investigates the development of this nitrous-assisted exception in Pro Street Motorcycle racing
- Insight: TUNING THE JFR FUNNY CAR TO WIN - Ian Bamsey discusses the JFR Funny Car engine with Jimmy Prock, who exploits it so effectively as crew chief and tuner for Robert Hight
- Focus: CON RODS - Ian Bamsey reports on what the state of the art in con rods could look like in 10 or 20 years’ time
- Insight: KTM IN MOTOGP - Ian Bamsey and Stewart Mitchell investigate aspects of the development of KTM’s RC16 Grand Prix machine
- Challenge Of: R5 RALLYING - Ian Bamsey illustrates the demands on the engines in this series by examining the development of Skoda’s Fabia R5 and R5 Evo units
- Focus: VALVE SPRINGS - Ian Bamsey examines the alternatives to using steel for coil valve springs
- e-RACE POWER EXPO - The battery technology behind the Aspark Owl hypercar, Rolls-Royce ACCEL project aims to break the speed record for an all-electric plane, while Venturi looks to do the same for electric motorcycles with its Voxan Wattman
- PS: RICHARD NOBLE & THE ATLANTIC - An insight into Noble’s water speed record attempt, drawn from his book, Take Risk