Race Engine Technology - Issue 132
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Highlights in this issue include a dossier on the AER P60C and we talk to David Mountain of Mountune about the challenges facing the recently restructured company. We look at the challenge of Formula E and investigate the Noonan 4.6 Litre Small Block Hemi. Our focus articles explore diesel race engine components as well as EV powertrain and battery testing. We have the latest instalments of our e-Race Power Expo and Race Engine Retro features alongside an update on the Red Victor III and much more...
- Intro: THE EDITOR - Organisers should consider finding an affordable way of supplying IC engines to future club-level competitors
- Grid: IN THE NEWS - Xtrac reveals details of its new transaxle for NASCAR, Bloodhound land speed record contender to exploit a mono-propellant rocket, and more…
- In Conversation: DAVID MOUNTAIN - Mountune’s founder brings Ian Bamsey up to date on the challenges facing the recently restructured company
- Dossier: AER P60C - Wayne Ward investigates the latest iteration of this turbocharged LMP V6, and finds out about the company’s plans to create a version for the LMDh regulations
- Challenge Of: FORMULA E - Wayne Ward is given an insight by Mercedes into how the engineering precepts differ between Formula E and Formula One
- Holeshot: NOONAN 4.6 LITRE SMALL BLOCK HEMI - Luke Robinson explains how this smaller brother of the 4.9 litre Hemi has been designed to hold its own in drag racing
- Focus: DIESEL RACE ENGINE COMPONENTS - As demand grows for race-grade diesel engine components, Matt Grant reports on how suppliers ensure they can withstand such extreme conditions
- E-RACE POWER EXPO - We look into Extreme E in this issue – Williams Advanced Engineering provides an insight into the battery powering the cars, and AFC Energy shares details on how its charging station uses 100% renewable energy
- Focus: EV POWERTRAIN AND BATTERY TESTING - Electric race systems need a particular set of equipment to test them. Wayne Ward explains the nature of some of it and how it is used
- RACE ENGINE RETRO - The development story behind the Mountune-prepared Cosworth BDT-E I4 turbo rally car
- Postscript: RED VICTOR III - As the Sorceress V8 twin turbo vies for top honours in street-legal racing, Ian Bamsey revisits the development of this, the current record holder