Aluminium KRC Power Steering Changeable Flow Control Valve ID:NONE (Standard). 2.22 GPM on 9.6CC Pro Series Pump.
KRC Adjustable Flow Valves are precision manufactured on the top CNC machines available. Flow valves come in a range of sizes to increase or decrease driver effort at the steering wheel.
KRC Adjustable Flow Control Pumps are designed to be compact & efficient to minimize HP usage maximizing driver feel while removing air & cavitation from the system. Pure fluid runs through our pumps creating precision fluid flow.
Our Adjustable Flow Control Fitting System allows for adjustability. Our Standard fitting is in the centre of the flow range and is manufactured with a blank mark. Minimum flow increases steering effort, increases feel through the steering wheel while using Minimum HP. Our Minimum Control Fitting is marked with ID: 4. Increased flow is found with a 4,5,6,7 Fitting - 7 Flows more than 4. ID: 7 is one adjustment below Standard Flow. Increasing Flow above Standard is achieved by Control Fittings B,C,D,E. ID:B is one adjustment of more Fluid Flow above Standard with ID: E being the Maximum Fluid Flow. Increased Fluid Flow reduces steering effort, reduces feel through the steering wheel & uses a bit more HP.
Flow Control Fitting Technical Data
How to Choose the Right Flow Control Fitting
Selecting the correct Flow Control Fitting for your application can bring changes to your steering system you never knew existed. There are a few things that need to be considered when determining which Flow Control Fitting is best for your application. Much of the time, the Standard Flow Control Fitting that comes in the pump from the factory is the best choice. Depending on the track, driver preference, and steering system, a different Flow Control Fitting may be required. The same goes for use in Hot Rods, Muscle Cars or other applications, there are a lot of variables that come into play.
How to identify which Flow Control Fitting you have?
Each Flow Control Fitting comes from the factory with an identification mark (I.D.) on the hex of the Flow Control Fitting. If there are no letters or numbers on the valve, then it is the standard valve that comes with the pump. If the valve has a letter B-E stamped on it, then you have a “more assist” Flow Control Fitting.
The ID:E valve will give you the most flow and assist. If the valve has a number 4-7 on it, then you have a more feel Flow Control Fitting. The ID:4 valve will give you the least amount of flow and the most feel.
How does the Flow Control Fitting work?
The Flow Control Fitting is very simple to understand. Think of it like changing a jet in a carburettor. The bigger the Flow Control Fitting you use, ID:B-E, the more fluid will be coming out of the pump. This will give you more assist in the steering system, but will take away some of the feel. The smaller the Flow Control Fitting you use, ID:4-7, the less fluid will be coming out of the pump. This will give you more feel, but take away some of the assist.
What valve do I need to use with my steering rack?
The size of your steering rack will be the biggest determinate as to which size Flow Control Fitting is needed. If you have a rack that is 3.5” or larger, then an ID:E Flow Control Fitting would be the first option to place in the pump and try. If you feel the steering is too light and you have too much assist, then you can back the Flow Control Fitting down in size to an ID:D or ID:C.
What valve do I need to use with my steering box with no quickener?
A steering box type system may or may not require a Flow Control Fitting change. If you have a quick steering box, 6-to-1 or 8-to-1, you may have to increase the Flow Control Fitting size to an ID:E valve.
If you have too much assist and not enough feel, you can then drop down in Flow Control Fitting size.
The key is to find the best match between the pump, driver feel and steering box. If you experience a tight spot while turning the wheel left and right, it is called “pump catch.” To resolve this issue, you will want to increase the Flow Control Fitting size until it goes away. If you are running a 12-to-1 box you may need to start with an ID:C valve. See how the steering feels. You may have to adjust accordingly with a higher valve to get more assist or a smaller valve to get more feel. Make sure you don’t drop the flow down too low to a point where you experience pump catch. If you have a 16-to-1 box or higher the standard Flow Control Fitting should work best and then changing it would be per driver preference.
What Flow Control Fitting do I need to use with my steering box with a quickener?
A steering system with quickener will more than likely require a larger Flow Control Fitting. The reason for this is the servo inside the steering box is moving either 1.5 times or 2.0 times faster. Due to the quickness, more fluid is required to fill the void as the servo moves. If you do not have enough fluid coming into the servo you may experience “pump catch” in the middle of the corner. This will feel like a tight spot in the steering system when turning the wheel left and right at race speeds. The size of the steering box will also determine what size valve will be required. If you have a high ratio box with a quickener you may want to start with an ID:C valve. If you experience pump catch or need more steering assist, then increase the Flow Control Fitting size. If you are using a lower ratio box, then you may want to start with an ID:E valve. If you need more feel than the ID:E valve provides, just drop down in Flow Control Fitting size. Make sure you don’t drop down too low to the point where you experience pump catch.
How do I adjust my Flow Control Fitting to the race track and car?
A car with wide tires and a lot of positive caster may also require more fluid flow out of the pump (ID:B through E Flow Control Fittings). If you race on smaller tracks with tight corners or a higher banked track, a larger Flow Control Fitting, ID:B-E, can be used to give you more assist through the corners. If you race on a larger track with long straightaways and sweeping corners, a smaller Flow Control Fitting, ID:4- 7, can be used to gain more feel and stability in the steering system. When selecting a Flow Control Fitting for a race track only car, the driver should use the valve that feels the best at races speeds.
How do I adjust the Flow Control Fittings for street rod applications?
On street driven cars, you must consider finding a happy medium between the ease of parking the car and highway stability. Also pump speed at lower RPM’s must be taken into consideration to optimize the pump.
Which pressure relief valve do I need?
KRC offers three pressure relief valves, 1200psi., 1450psi. and 1600psi. On higher banked race tracks and cars with short steering arms, wide tires, a big bar soft spring setup, running on bump stops and/or a lot of positive caster, a higher pressure relief valve should be used, as well as possibly a higher volume Flow Control Fitting. You will know if you are having pressure problems when you drive into the corner and around the apex of the turn the steering assist feels like it goes away for a split second - that is created by the pump going into bypass. Our 9.6cc pumps come with 1600psi. of pressure relief. This has been a running change over the past several years. If you are unsure as to which relief valve you have in your pump, please call us with the serial number off the back of the pump.
Technical Information
9.6 CC Pro Series Aluminium Pump
Part Number
Aluminium Flow Control Fitting - Pump Flow ID Mark
KRC 25304000 KRC 25404000 1.18 GPM 4
KRC 25305000 KRC 25405000 1.43 GPM 5
KRC 25306000 KRC 25406000 1.70 GPM 6
KRC 25307000 KRC 25407000 1.96 GPM 7
KRC 25308000 KRC 25408000 2.22 GPM None (Standard)
KRC 25309000 KRC 25409000 2.41 GPM B
KRC 25310000 KRC 25410000 2.65 GPM C
KRC 25311000 KRC 25411000 2.75 GPM D
KRC 25312000 KRC 25412000 2.92 GPM E
13.5 CC Cast Iron Pump
Part Number
Steel Flow Control Fitting - Pump Flow ID Mark
KRC 25304000 KRC 25404000 1.66 GPM 4
KRC 25305000 KRC 25405000 2.03 GPM 5
KRC 25306000 KRC 25406000 2.35 GPM 6
KRC 25307000 KRC 25407000 2.67 GPM 7
KRC 25308000 KRC 25408000 2.91 GPM None (Standard)
KRC 25309000 KRC 25409000 3.32 GPM B
KRC 25310000 KRC 25410000 3.75 GPM C
KRC 25311000 KRC 25411000 4.01 GPM D
KRC 25312000 KRC 25412000 4.21 GPM E