Dart LS Next Iron Pro Engine Block Skirted LS Chevy 4.000" Bore, 9.240" Deck Height
- Part Number # 31867112
- Material: Superior Strength 220 BHN Cast Iron
- Bore: 4.000" w/ 4.185” max bore
- Bore & stroke: 4.185” x 4.125" (Max recommended)
- Cam bearing bore ID: 2.2998" – 2.3002"
- Cam bearings: 55mm babbit Dart PN# 32210101-5 (Not included)
- Cam bearing O.S. +.010", +.020", and +.030" available
- Cam bearing press: .002" - .003"
- Camshaft position: Stock LS cam position
- Camshaft to crank ∅ 4.885"
- Camshaft snout: 1.565" O.D
- Cam Drive: Accepts belt drive (*machining required) or stock chain drive.
- Cam retaining plate: Dart cam retaining plate / Cover. Dart PN# 32226000
- Cam Plug snap ring: N/A
- Cubic inch: 454 cubic inch max
- Cylinder Wall Thickness: .215" @ 4.125" bore
- Deck Height: 9.240" w / extended cylinder barrels .375" at bottom.
- Deck Thickness: 5/8" (.625")
- Fuel Pump: Electric pump required
- Fuel Pump Pushrod: N/A
- Freeze Plugs: 1.500" diameter Dart PN# 32820000B (Qty 6)
- Lifter Bores: .8427" - .8437" up to .937" keyed w/ 1.062" dia. Bushing
- Main bearing size: 2.558" – 2.559" Dart PN# 9-MS2321H or 9-MS2321HX
- Main bearing bore: 2.7508" – 2.7512"
- Main caps: 4 bolt billet steel w/splayed centres & centre thrust
- Oil system: Low volume priority main oiling system w/single centre crossover
- Oil Pump: Melling or Stock LS oil pump
- Oil Filter: O.E.
- Oil Pan: O.E or Aftermarket
- Rear Main Seal Stock LS style with factory cover
- Serial No. Front passenger side below deck surface (XXXLSN)
- Sleeve OD: N/A
- Sleeve O.S. N/A
- Sleeve thickness: N/A
- Sleeve Length: N/A
- Starter: O.E.
- Main Studs: Inners – 7/16" x 3.600" Outer – 7/16" x 2.900"
- Studs heads: Call for application
- Stud holes, Head: 23 bolt pattern with 7/16", 3/8", and 8mm sizes
- Stud length in block: 1.000" of thread depth
- Timing chain/gears: 24x or 58x depending on application
- Timing Cover: Factory LS cover and front seal 2005 w/ cam sensor provision
- Torque Specs: All torque specifications w/ CMD #3 High Pressure Lube
- ½” = 105ft lbs 7/16" = 65 ft lbs 3/8" = 45 ft lbs 8mm = 22 ft lbs
- Weight: 227 lbs w/ main caps
Designed for high performance and heavy duty applications, the SHP LS Next PRO is the NEXT-LEVEL PERFORMANCE block for hot rodders, drag racers, circle track competitors, off-roaders, and high performance marine enthusiasts.
- Superior strength 220 BHN Cast Iron.
- Steel 4-bolt main caps with upgraded ARP main studs.
- Lifter oil crossover with restrictor provision.
- 6-bolt per cylinder capability. 6 bolt block
- 4.000” up to 4.185” bore.
- Factory oil filter provision.
- Clearanced for centre counterweighted crankshafts.
- Full skirt design.
- Priority main oiling.
- Siamese cylinder bores.
- Thick decks ensure reliable head gasket seal.
- Parts kit included (PN: 32000018).