Clearance Dart Iron Eagle Sportsman Series Engine Block SB Ford 4.125" Bore, 302 Main, 8.200" Deck Height
Part# 31354275
Material: Superior iron alloy
Bore: 4.125" (unfinished)
Bore/Stroke: 4.185" x 3.500" (max recommended)
Cam Bearing Bore ID: SVO 2.203" - 2.205"
Cam Bearings: Specially-coated & grooved with three oil holes (Not included)
Cam Bearing OS: +.010", +.020", +.030"
Cam Bearing Press: .002" - .003"
Cam Journal OD: Standard Ford Small Block
Cam Plug: 2-3/8" Dia. cup plug
Cylinder Wall Thickness: .250" minimum @ 4.185" bore
Cubic Inch: 385ci max recommended
Deck Height: 8.200"
Deck Thickness: .675" minimum
Fuel Pump: Mechanical pump provision
Freeze Plugs: Standard Ford Press-in cup plugs 1-1/2" O.D.
Head Bolts: 1/2" Blind holes
Lifter Bores: Standard Ford .8747" - .8757" Honed to size
Lifters: Stock Ford hyd rollers, Solid hyd, flat tappet or rollers
Main Bearing Size: 2.249" (302)
Main Bearing Bore: Standard Ford 2.441" - 2.442" Honed to size
Main Thrust Width: .926" - .928"
Main Caps: Steel- 4 bolt, center 3
Main Cap Register: Deep stepped register on each side (no need for dowels)
Main Cap Press: .003" - .004"
Main Cap Bolts: #1 - #5 1/2" (2)
#2, #3 & #4: 7/16" splayed (2)
Main Cap Torque: #1 - #5: 105 ft/lbs (1/2" bolts); #2, #3 & #4: 65 ft/lbs (Outer 7/16" bolts)
Oil System: Priority Main oiling
Oil Filter: Standard Ford filter
Oil Pan: Aftermarket Ford 302 with dipstick in pan required
Rear Main Seal: 4.250" x 3.625" Standard 1-Piece seal - Felpro #2922 or #2941
Serial Number: On Right front and main caps
Starter: Standard
Stud Hole/Head: 1/2" Standard SVO with Blind holes
Timing Chain/Gears: Standard SBF components
Timing Cover: Uses stock 302 aluminium cover
Weight: 195 lbs