Compweight Big Block Chevy
Drawing from the deep history of experience at Callies, our Compstar engineers have been able to combine the best characteristics of performance crankshaft design into the Compstar “Compweight” for Big Block Chevy applications Produced from 4340 material that is triple heat treated and stress relieved during machining. Compstar BBC Compweights will remain true during severe duty use.
All Compstar Compweights are center counterweighted for reduced bearing loads during high RPM use. Machined with .125 journal radii and conventional straight shot oiling, these cranks offer simple durability. With all 4 rod journals drilled, Compstar BBC Compweight cranks weigh in at 75lbs or less. Compweights are fully deep case nitrided.
Compstar – Big Block Chevy
Standard Features
- Centre counterweighted for reduced bearing loads during high RPM use
- Machined with .125 journal radii
- Conventional straight shot oiling
- Fully deep case nitrided
COMPSTAR BIG BLOCK CHEVY Stroke Main Pin Cammed for Rod Length Part # 4.250 2.750 2.200 6.385 IBP425-CS 1 pc. seal 3.760 2.750 2.200 6.135 IB3425-CS 1 pc. seal 4.000 2.750 2.200 6.385 BBO425-CS 4.250 2.750 2.200 6.385 BBP425-CS 4.375 2.750 2.200 6.385 BBB425-CS 4.500 2.750 2.200 6.535 BBQ425 CS 4.750 2.750 2.200 6.700 BBS425-CS 3.760 2.750 2.200 6.385 BB3425-CS 5.000 Inch Bore Spacing Stroke Main Pin Part # 5.500 2.750 2.200 7.750 BQ+426-CS