Jesel Tools & Accessories

A. Spring Removal Tool
Bolts in place of rocker arm for easy on engine valve spring removal.
B. Extreme Pressure Lube
Anti-Scoring extreme pressure grease is an ideal break-in lubricant for pushrod tip to adjuster cup break-in.
C. Bushing Alignment Tool
Checks for proper alignment of keyway slots for installed bushings.
D. Cam Adapter Spanner Wrench
Used to ease the tightening of the cam adapter bolts
E. Keyway Bushing Installation Tool
Available for either purchase or rental, this tool properly installs and aligns our keyway bushings.
F. Lower Pulley Driver
Slides over the crank snout and is used for installation of the lower crank pulley.
G. Dogbone Drill Jig
Used to properly locate and drill and tap block for Dogbone retainer plate stud.
H. Valve Spring Pressure Tester
Designed by Logan-Smith Machine, this tool checks valve spring seat pressure on an assembled valvetrain.
I. Valve Lash Torque Wrench
Designed by Logan-Smith Machine, this tool allows you to properly set valve lash and torque adjuster nut to proper values.
J. Valve Lash Adjuster Wrench
Designed by Logan-Smith Machine, this tool eases valve lash maintenance by incorporating a hex key and accepts a 1/2" drive socket. Socket not included.
K. Torx Sockets
For use with stand and shaft mounting hardware. Available from T-40 to T-55.
L. Adjustable Pushrod Length Checker
This 5 piece tool is adjustable from 6” to 12” and is available for either cup style or ball style lash adjusters.
M. Stand Height Checking Gauge
Used to properly adjust stand height for proper rocker geometry.
N. Rocker Length Checking Gauge
A convenient tool used to check the rocker arm pivot length for rockers without machined in codes.